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Online Platform

Botkin.pro is the first telemedicine service in Ukraine. Its users consult and take care of their health anywhere in the world, and doctors receive additional income and recognition

Missions we accomplished

The goal of the project is to create a service for remote consultations of a doctor and a patient through a web resource and a mobile application.


  • Speed up the process of communication between patient and doctor by implementing video and chat consultations
  • Systematize diagnoses and diagnostics by creating an outpatient card
  • Create a mechanism to attract new users of the service

Implemented solutions

The main business value of the project is the movement of information, not the movement of people. The patient does not need to go anywhere, wait for an appointment, stand in line, contact other patients - he can get a consultation at a convenient place and at a convenient time for him. In turn, the doctor does not have to be in a medical institution for consultations.

  • Video consultation module : It is the central component of the service. Main implemented requirements: stable video chat on all platforms; a connection test system that allows you to verify the quality of the image display, since user devices may not always be connected to a sufficient Internet channel for high-quality video broadcasting
  • Electronic patient card : Electronic document management is an essential function of the service for the full implementation of the consultation process. Patients send files to the doctor with the results of tests and diagnostics. Doctors send patients an outpatient card, in the form of a pdf-file with a diagnosis and prescriptions
  • Personal Account : The personal account is implemented in two versions, for the patient and the doctor. This section is the basis for the interaction of a registered user with the service. The personal account contains a history of all user activities, as well as a conveniently structured menu of all the main sections of the service
  • Search a doctor : The base of Botkin.pro doctors is growing every day. That is why we have developed a convenient categorizer so that patients can find the right specialist. The search system takes into account the rating, academic degree of the doctor, reviews about him on the service and the number of consultations, in order to most likely offer the patient a candidate who can quickly and efficiently conduct a consultation
  • Attracting new users : The project implements several models for attracting new users: the unregistered user can ask a doctor a question for free; the patient can invite his doctor; the doctor can invite his patients
  • Payment for services : To pay for the services of doctors on the platform, a personal wallet was implemented in the patient's office. The wallet can be replenished at any time, regardless of the time of booking the consultation. Funds are reserved on the user's account at the time of completion of the order. Doctors, in turn, receive payment for the services provided with a certain frequency and can see the dynamics and amount of both the previous and the next planned payment
  • Integration with insurance companies : Integration with the insurance company is implemented through the API developed by our team. The insurance company has the ability to sell packages with Botkin.pro services. In this case, the patient's personal account will be branded under the insurance company

Technologies applied

We are grateful for the proposals and ideas that are actively coming from the agency. It is not just a question of closing tasks, but also of developing the project and achieving its business goals. The team is ready to suggest and take part in solving issues that are often outside their responsibilities, for which we would like to express special thanks.
Vladislav Gryn, CEO botkin.pro


Let's streamline
your operations

Our manager will contact you.
Serhii Kutyr, CEO

[email protected]

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