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Optimizes investments
in a startup


Accelerates time
to market


Reduces risks during


Benefits of PoC/MVP development for startups

Testing hypotheses and

Product improvement

Development speed and
cost savings

Getting feedback from

Build a startup project with a team of experts

From MVP to version 1.0
We will accelerate the further development of your startup project after the MVP launch, implement new functionality to enhance the product based on user feedback
Analytics and consulting
Our approach to development is based on in-depth analytics and elaboration of business processes to achieve maximum results and successfully launch your project
Unique requests
To implement your special requirements, we engage experts who effectively adapt software solutions to industry standards and the needs of your startup project
Backlog clean-up
To ensure stable product performance at all stages of development, our team clearly sets priorities and plans tasks for adding new functionality and fixing bugs
Our specialists implement and improve unique monetization models tailored to the special needs of your project: order placement, subscriptions, or instant payments
When building the infrastructure, we take into account the future scaling of the business, the growing number of product users, performance requirements, and load

Our services and solutions for startups


In-depth research

We will help you test your business idea, analyze the specifics and target audience of the product, define functional requirements and metrics to measure the results

Prototyping and UI/UX design

Get a user-friendly and aesthetic prototype that visualizes your idea, contains basic functionality, demonstrates the main features, interface and navigation of the future product

PoC/MVP development

Accelerate your product's time to market by developing a test version with a minimal set of features that allows you to prove your hypothesis and get feedback from users

Mobile development

We build functional mobile apps for iOS and Android on Flutter. Our approach is based on detailed analytics and innovative design to improve the user experience

Web development

Our web solutions unite the development of front-end and back-end components of the project, have intuitive content management tools and provide a high level of security

AI and machine learning

Make data-driven decisions, automate routine processes, and simplify complicated tasks with the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms

End-to-end development

We implement custom web and mobile solutions, integrate AI and third-party services, and quickly deploy startup projects based on our low-code platform Spiro

Cloud solutions

Our experts use the latest technologies to develop flexible and functional cloud-based applications that meet your goals and scale with your business growth

In-depth research

We will help you test your business idea, analyze the specifics and target audience of the product, define functional requirements and metrics to measure the results


Prototyping and UI/UX design


PoC/MVP development


Mobile development


Web development


AI and machine learning


End-to-end development


Cloud solutions

Bring your ideas
to life

Leave your contacts in the form – our managers will contact you and provide detailed information about services and solutions for startups

Software development process for a startup project


Business analysis and concept elaboration


Prototyping and UI design


Development and testing


Product launch, performance measurement, getting feedback from users


Further development and improvement of the project

Our expertise in developing projects for startups in various industries

Real estate

Why choose FreshTech

Our own low-code platform Spiro, a team of specialists, and 16+ years of experience in various fields allow us to quickly launch startup projects and successfully implement ideas. We'll create a solution that will be the basis for your business development
  • Transparent communication

    Transparency of the development process guarantees open communication and your involvement at every stage. This allows you to actively influence the product creation and be sure that the final result meets your requirements and vision

  • Scaling up together

    We create software thinking about the future scaling of your startup project. You will receive a comprehensive product, which is ready for increasing user traffic, integrating new features, and further improvements

  • Proving the concept

    With PoC/MVP development, you can quickly present your concept, get feedback, and use it to improve the product. The efficiency of our services creates conditions for attracting users and investors at the early stages of project development

  • Defining your scope

    Our expertise ensures a clear definition of the required and desired functionality of the future web or mobile application. We thoroughly explore your needs and demands to select the best technologies and approaches for your project

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PoC/MVP?

What are the benefits of deploying on Spiro low-code platform?

How do you deploy a project with Spiro?

What is the cost of software development for startups?

Contact us to discuss your project

Our manager will contact you.
Serhii Kutyr, CEO

[email protected]

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