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speeds up
time to market




risks during


What is MVP?

MVP or minimum viable product is a test version of your project that has limited functionality needed to meet the specific needs of the target audience. MVP allows you to get feedback from users and test your hypotheses

MVP development for web and mobile apps ensures quick time to market, minimizes risks, and reduces your project costs. With it, you can identify the real interest in your product and formulate requirements for its future versions

Benefits of development PoC/MVP

Testing hypotheses
and functionality

Product improvement

Development speed
and cost savings

Getting feedback
from users

PoC/MVP development services

Building a PoC/MVP is based on a lean methodology that allows you to validate your hypotheses with minimal risk and cost
For startups
In the early stages of development, startups have limited budgets, and the cost of developing from scratch often exceeds them. That's why PoC (Proof of Concept) is the best way to find out if customers are willing to pay for your product. To test your idea, you just need to get a test version of the project with a minimum set of functions
For established businesses
Developing an MVP for an established business allows you to quickly launch a new product or an additional web or mobile service. A continuous cycle of testing and improvement of the project at all stages enables you to bring your business ideas to life. This approach significantly reduces the risks and investments required for launch

Why choose FreshTech?

Our MVP development services guarantee a quick product launch. 17+ years of experience in various fields and a comprehensive approach allow us to successfully implement ideas with optimal use of resources. We'll create a solution that will be the basis for your business development
  • Transparent communication

    Transparency of the development process guarantees open communication and your involvement at every stage. This allows you to actively influence the product creation and be sure that the final result meets your requirements and vision

  • Scaling up together

    We create software thinking about the future scaling of your business. You will receive a minimum viable product, ready to increase user traffic, integrate new features, and further improvements.

  • Defining your scope

    Our expertise ensures a clear definition of the required and desired functionality of the future web or mobile app. We thoroughly explore your needs and demands to select the best technologies and approaches for your project

  • Proving the concept

    With MVP development, you can quickly present your concept, get feedback, and use it to improve the product. The efficiency of our services creates conditions for attracting users and investors at the early stages of project development

Create an MVP to get your project off to a fast start!

With our PoC/MVP development services, you can accelerate your product's time to market. Contact us for an individual analysis of your request

PoC/MVP development process


Concept analysis and elaboration


Prototyping and design


Development and testing


Product launch, performance measurement, getting feedback from users


Further development and improvement of the project

Tech stack for MVP development

  • Frontend Tools

    Backend Tools

    Mobile App

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PoC/MVP development?

What kind of project are PoC/MVP services for?

Is it possible to implement a complex idea with PoC/MVP development?

How long does it take to create a PoC/MVP?

What is the cost of developing a PoC/MVP?

Grow your business with us

Our manager will contact you.
Serhii Kutyr, CEO

[email protected]

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