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Low-Code Platforms: Transforming Approaches to Software Development

Low-Code Platforms: Transforming Approaches to Software Development

Low-Code is transforming the development with the help of graphical interfaces and ready-made components. This approach simplifies the technical aspects of code creation and allows you to quickly implement ideas. In this article, we will outline the approaches to software development and define the key aspects of implementing projects on Low-Code platforms.

Development approaches

Depending on the specific needs and requirements of the project, different software development models can be used. The main ones are:

  • Waterfall Model:
    A linear approach to development where each stage of the project is carried out one by one – from defining requirements to implementation. The process is divided into phases, and each phase is completed before the next one begins.
  • Spiral Model:
    The development process goes through spiral iterations with risk assessment and product functionality expansion at each stage.
  • V-model:
    Each stage of the project life cycle includes a test plan that is developed before starting the work on the code.
  • Iterative model:
    The development process is divided into short iterations or cycles, which include the stages of requirements definition, design, implementation and testing.
  • Incremental model:
    The functionality of the system is gradually expanded by adding new increments or blocks at each stage of development.
  • Agile model:
    The development process is iterative and divided into periods – sprints. During each sprint, the team works on specific tasks. This approach emphasizes close interaction between developers and the client to ensure effective implementation of requirements and high quality of the product.
  • RAD model:
    Rapid creation of functional prototypes through iterative cycles and active user interaction.
  • Prototype model:
    The approach involves creating a prototype of the system to understand and clarify user requirements before the final implementation.

Low-Code supports an iterative development model where changes can be implemented step by step - testing and improving programs at each stage of development. Elements of other models can also be adapted to the Low-Code approach. For example: creating prototypes using graphical interfaces, quickly deploying MVP versions of projects and collecting feedback from users.

Low-Code in digital transformation

Low-Code speeds up and simplifies the implementation of new technologies and digital initiatives in business. This approach to software development helps companies implement projects quickly by automating routine tasks. Let's take a look at the key aspects:

Development efficiency

Low-Code uses intuitive graphical interfaces and off-the-shelf components, which simplifies the creation of programs and significantly reduces development time. Low-Code tools have a positive impact on team efficiency, as they facilitate the collaboration of developers, business analysts, and other process participants. The use of standards and ready-made templates ensures high software quality and minimizes the risk of errors.

Lowering technical barriers

The graphical and intuitive interface allows users without deep technical knowledge to create and modify programs. The development process becomes more accessible due to the model-oriented approach, which allows you to separate business logic from technical details.

Expanding the capabilities

Low-Code allows you to expand the range of development participants by involving business analysts and other specialists. This approach makes it possible to scale development at different levels of complexity. Teams can easily adapt and make changes due to market requirements and business goals.

Rapid change implementation

Automation of routine tasks and the ability to quickly create prototypes allow you to experiment with new ideas and concepts. The flexibility and adaptability of the Low-Code approach allows you to respond to changes and launch products quickly.

Low-Code platform fdForge

A flexible and multifunctional Low-Code platform for implementing unique, complex and customized solutions. On the basis of fdForge, we can deploy any start-up project, mobile application or automation system. The platform adapts to the needs of a particular business and integrates with the systems, services, web and mobile apps you need.

fdForge allows you to solve a problem of any scale and complexity, automate internal and external processes and speed up the project's launch. Implementing this system helps companies optimize resources, increase efficiency and significantly reduce costs.

If you would like to discover new opportunities for your business based on the Low-Code platform fdForge leave your contacts in the form. Our manager will contact you and offer the best solution for your business.

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Serhii Kutyr, CEO

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