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Case Study: Developing Performance Marketing Platform in 2 Months

Case Study: Developing Performance Marketing Platform in 2 Months

FinMe is a CPA affiliate network in the Ukrainian microfinance market that provides access to a wide range of products through various traffic channels.

In this case study, we will describe the development of a performance marketing (PPM) platform from scratch in two months, the challenges, and the main features of this project. We will also talk about the migration process from the existing platform and how we managed to increase FinMe's performance by 2.4 times. 


The FinMe affiliate network uses the concept of performance marketing, which focuses on achieving specific results, and works with advertisers on different types of payment. Currently, the system is based on the approach of paying for actual user actions, i.e. targeted conversions, but we are planning to expand the functionality and connect other payment methods, such as CPS, CPL, etc.

PMP (Performance Marketing Platform) is a tool for implementing performance marketing strategies. The platform measures each action by performance indicators (KPIs). FinMe collects, analyzes, and uses data to optimize campaigns and achieve clear business goals.

Specifics and risks of PMP

Load and performance

The specifics of PMP work is to process large amounts of information, so infrastructure capacity is a must-have for effective interaction with data.

FinMe's main database is the Spiro system. The speed of its operation allows you to instantly respond to user actions, which increases the number of targeted actions and has a positive impact on business efficiency. 

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The high competition in the performance marketing segment drives the introduction of new solutions and tools to continuously improve FinMe's performance and generate quality traffic.

Working with third-party companies

In order to receive payments from partners and make payments to advertisers, it is necessary to accurately calculate the amounts according to the agreed rates. These rates are often individual and depend on various factors. Therefore, it is very important to have a flexible mechanism for working with payment terms and ensure the accuracy of calculations.

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Performance monitoring

One of the key features of PMP systems is the need to respond quickly to any changes in performance. Spiro allows you to track the results of email campaigns and build detailed productivity reports.

Data accuracy

Since partners and advertisers are paid only for confirmed targeted actions, an important component of the PMP platform is a clear record of all such actions and their metadata. The Spiro system operates autonomously all the time, receiving and sending postbacks based on the results of targeted actions, thus increasing the loyalty of partners and advertisers. 

PMP development for FinMe company

Why the client came to us

The client approached our company to implement an existing project on a new platform. At that time, FinMe was operating on a third-party service that no longer met its needs and business goals. Those changes led to the development of a completely new solution to optimize processes and scale the project. 

Launch in two months

We launched the project based on our Spiro software in just two months. This became possible with low-code solutions, a detailed analysis of FinMe's activities, and clear work planning.

The project involved a team of developers, business analysts, UI/UX designers, QA specialists, and management. The company's readiness for change and clear communication allowed us to implement all the necessary solutions in a short time. 

Our approach

The approach to FinMe implementation combined in-depth analytics and the use of our low-code Spiro platform. Spiro's functionality with a flexible builder and existing entities allowed us to quickly deploy the project and introduce unique solutions. 

Development process

We started working on the project using the Fixed Price model, which requires a clear definition of the scope and cost of work before starting development. This approach allowed us to define tasks, draw up a transparent schedule, and develop an MVP version.

The next stage was to determine the areas of further work and switch to the Time and Material payment model. Such terms of cooperation allow the customer to control the implementation time and budget, and also to evaluate the result at each stage of development.

From the very beginning, we had a clear understanding of the tasks, as the client had specific comments on the existing platform and a defined concept of changes. We synchronized with the client every two weeks, and their active involvement allowed us to quickly implement new ideas and solutions. The result was a product that met the client's expectations and requirements.

At the finalization stage, we focused on improving KPIs and client revenue. After all, working with numbers and analytics-based development define our approach: all actions should be result-oriented.


  • The migration process from the existing system that was already in operation. This involved working with more than 40 offers and dozens of partners and required attention to detail, planning and coordination.

  • Comparison with the existing platform led to changes in priorities in the development process. New functional requirements appeared that had previously been considered unnecessary.

  • Short timeframe for project implementation: two months to launch the new platform.

Core features: implemented solutions

Click and conversion tracking

The ability to monitor and analyze user actions through click tracking allows you to track interaction parameters and conversion rates.

Showcase builder

The functionality allows partners to easily create and customize their own offer showcases. They can define their structure and content, add elements, create a design, and upload their own CSS files.

Autorotation tool 

An automated tool that identifies offers with the best conversion rates and calculates the best position on the page for them. It maximizes the profit from each showcase and places offers according to their performance and user behavior.

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Statistics and reports

Detailed statistics, reports, and event logging to analyze performance and identify trends. Information on each conversion allows you to make informed decisions and improve strategies.

Export and import

The FinMe functionality allows you to export, import, and save reports in the system on your own. This option simplifies the process of tracking and processing conversions and provides convenient access to the necessary data.

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Events and mailings

Event tracking is a flexible analytics tool that optimizes strategies for interacting with each FinMe user. The action tracking capability allows you to create the most effective variations of email campaigns, personalize them, and determine the best ways to engage your audience.

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Landing page builder

A tool for creating a web page from ready-made elements and blocks. The builder allows you to customize the design and structure of pages and adapt landing pages to the unique needs of the client.

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Personal accounts for advertisers and partners

Every partner and advertiser who cooperates with FinMe has the ability to log in to their personal account. There, they can monitor the current status of offers, view statistics on targeted actions and corresponding payments to ensure more transparent relations and efficient planning of further work.

Mechanism for sending postbacks

Each FinMe partner can set up postbacks in their personal account that they would like to receive for accepted conversions, according to the target action performed. Postbacks for partners can also be set up through the Spiro platform. Thus, after the conversion is recorded in Spiro, a postback confirming the acceptance of the conversion will be sent to the partner.


Cookie_id is a unique identifier created in the FinMe system to recognize users based on their browser cookies. It allows you to identify the same user whenever they interact with the FinMe system, as long as they are logged in from the same device, through the same browser, do not use incognito mode, and have not cleared cookies since their last visit. In other cases, the user is always identified as a new user and receives their unique cookie_id. With this feature, FinMe can personalize showcases to increase conversion, track the actions performed by the user and store information about these actions in the Spiro system.

Current results

  • Tracking speed has increased by 2.4 times compared to cloud solutions

  • We add new functionality every week, tailored to the needs of the project

  • About 8000 messages are sent on average through the developed mailing mechanism integrated with the Omnicell provider

What's next?

Implementation of new tools to improve the user experience and expand the platform's functionality:

  • a global system for monitoring the state of the system in various areas and signaling the occurrence of deviations in Telegram bot

  • mobile attribution to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on mobile platforms

If you'd also like to quickly deploy your PMP-based project, leave your contacts in the form. Our manager will contact you and offer the best solution for your business.

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Serhii Kutyr, CEO

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