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FreshTech Team at iForum-2023

FreshTech Team at iForum-2023

On August 10, iForum-2023 took place. What did our team learn at the main digital event in Ukraine? We share fresh impressions and insights from the conference!

The development of Military Tech

War encourages Ukrainian specialists to look for innovative solutions and unite around a common goal. There is a real prospect that Ukraine will take a leading role in the development of military technologies.

Now the Armed Forces, government agencies, and civilian developers are working closely together and this trend will continue. Much attention was paid to the use of UAVs at the conference.

Application of AI

AI is actively conquering various fields of activity, be it analytics, coding, art, marketing, and even law. We talked about the legal and ethical aspects of AI use, interesting cases, and future forecasts.

Current features of doing business

Event speakers revealed the following interesting trends:

  • The audience is more loyal to brands involved in charity.
  • B2B and B2C are gradually being replaced by HwH (Human with Human). Despite the rapid development of technology (and partly because of it), live communication is becoming more valuable. It is important to think about the individual experience of using a product or service for each person and simplify it as much as possible.
  • Gamification is not losing its popularity. There is a lot to learn from game development companies and apply their approaches to your processes. For example, a system of achievements and rewards, passing certain checkpoints, etc.

The Future of Ukraine

A crisis always means losses, but also new opportunities. Our experts provide a powerful and competitive service, and we have a lot to offer the world. The following industries remain relevant: agriculture, green energy, and defense. It is also important to locate the production and processing of resources within the country. Experts advise all businesses to be flexible, adapt to circumstances, and develop their instincts. This is the only way to stay afloat and develop.

Overall, the event left positive emotions. It was great to talk live with colleagues, recall old times, share new experiences, and listen to lively discussions between representatives of different industries. We all have a lot of work and interesting challenges ahead of us!

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